Sunday, October 25, 2009

Nursery and Baby Prep

I have not blogged in ages - I have a website/blog for my classroom which I have updated, and have been insanely busy as of late. I am trying to prepare my classroom and students for my maternity leave...I've also been reading many books on babies, nursing,'s making me a little nuts. I'm feeling great, but I can tell that things are happening to prepare me for the baby's arrival. I find myself getting uncomfortable at times, and I can really feel it when the baby kicks me in my various organs. :)

We've completed the nursery and purchased pretty much everything that we'll need for baby's arrival!! I'm due in 2 1/2 weeks, and we're both convinced the baby will be a few days early. My doctor told me that she will not let me go more than a few days overdue, so I think it's safe to say that Baby Hubner will be here by November 17 at the latest!!! It is such an exciting time for us, yet we have no clue what we're in for! Adam and I are ready, and we can't wait to meet this little man. Here are some pics of baby "stuff!"