J. CREW SWEATERS: I am CRAVING this cozy sweater and t-shirt combo. I find myself craving comfortable and practical clothes this time of year...I can't WAIT to get home and change out of my work clothes at the end of the day.
MY FABULOUS STUDENTS: My class is so wonderful this year...I've written that before, but I am blown away by what I am getting out of them! Especially writing...they are amazing. We're smack in the middle of MEAP testing right now, and they are handling it so well. I have been able to try so many things with them this year, and my latest obsession is finding brain-stimulating activities, games that they can work on with me, as a group, or by themselves. I am striving to NEVER let them get bored and to always be thinking. It's a lot more work on my part, but it feels so much better at the end of the day...knowing I am making a difference, slight as it may be! It is a blessing to love your job, and I can't imagine doing anything else.

ORANGE: My accent color of choice in our house is orange...I am quite smitten with it right now. We have been rearranging furniture and accessories, and trying to create a smooth transition among rooms, color-wise. I am in search of an inexpensive, non-shedding dark orange throw blanket for the living room...

BOOKS: I think I've read over 15 books in the last two months...some were chapter books for school, others for my personal pleasure. I have hardly turned on the tv...and it is a good feeling. I just finished the "Twilight" series, and it was WONDERFUL! I can't recommend it enough. I own the books, if anyone wants to borrow them!!

COSTA RICA: Adam and I saw an IMAX movie on the Amazon, and it inspired us to revisit our thoughts of a Costa Rica trip...if the job situation works out well, we'd like to go over spring break. Research has told us that April is pretty much the perfect month to visit! If this April doesn't work, we'll wait until next year.
I can't post about "things I'm loving" without posting a photo of Adam... :)
I just started Twilight yesterday. Time to see what all the hype is about! :-)
Hi. You should probably move your music player to the bottom of your layout. It intrudes onto your writing and pictures.
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