Sunday, October 12, 2008

Fall is Here!

Hi Everyone - on Saturday, my mom and I enjoyed the gorgeous fall morning and walked around downtown Rockford. We went to the farmer's market (squash, apples, and pumpkins!) and shopped a bit, followed by a late breakfast at Arnie's. It was honestly a picture-perfect morning with the leaves changing and sun shining. Afterward, Adam and I worked around the house and yard, and then I made chicken wing dip for a little party at our neighbor's house (notice I'm not mentioning the wasted time we spent watching the Michigan game??)

At the Cox's party, we were able to meet and hang out with Jair Jurgens, "JJ", who is currently the starting pitcher for the Atlanta Braves, and also a former Detroit Tiger! He lived with the Cox family when he was a W. Michigan Whitecap...he and his girlfriend Crystal were in town for the weekend. We really enjoyed meeting JJ and all the Cox's friends, and had especially great conversation with the Reichert's, our other next door neighbors. We can't say enough how much we love our neighbors - they are wonderful.

Sunday was spent reading and cleaning (Adam did the garage and cars, I did the inside of the house) and we rearranged furniture in the living looks a lot bigger, and I think better! We're enjoying dinner from the grill tonight, along with some ribs that Dave Reichert next door smoked for 5 hours today - we smelled it all day, and I'm SO glad he shared the end result with us!! :)

Oh - and Kiki's cone is off. Yay! All in all, it was a relaxing weekend, and this week looks to be the same...not much going on.

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