Sunday, January 11, 2009

Holiday Pics

Here are a few pictures over the holidays, thanks to Suzanne! I have made a vow (to myself) that I will be a LOT better about taking my camera along with me and trying to photograph things more often. I need to be better.

Last night, Adam and I went to dinner with my parents, and then we headed downtown to one of my favorite places, One Trick Pony...we saw the band Mid-Life Crisis, which happens to be the band that Mr. Paul is in (vocals, piano/keyboards) - the Paul family is who I nannied for for 8 years! We had a great time - there were literally dozens of people there that we knew, and we lasted as long as the band played. They are wonderful! Today we're doing laundry and cleaning, and Adam is preparing for his job training - I am preparing to FREEZE with the cold temps that are coming. Winter is not my favorite.

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