Sunday, May 10, 2009


Lately, I've been quite obsessed with identifying the plethera of birds that grace our backyard...I haven't taken any pictures (opening the slider door often scares them away) but it's amazing what you can spot if you actually take the time to look! Our deck and the orange halves that rest on the banisters, are the feeding spot of many Baltimore Orioles...gorgeous orange and black birds! I've also seen blue birds (yes, not blue jays,) a scarlet tanager!!!, red-headed woodpeckers (they like the oranges, too!) cedar waxwings, finches, barn swallows, tree swallows, sparrows, robins, cardinals, and many many other birds that I can't identify...I'm most impressed with the blue birds and the orioles...they are much more rare than the others! Anyway, I have a new hobby I think!!

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