Monday, May 4, 2009

Feeling Great!

Not much new to report - just very busy at work and filling up our weekends with yard work and yard plans. We are working on the front/side landscaping, putting on a new deck, and gutting the back yard this spring. We're awaiting estimates and plans, and hopefully we'll begin work soon!

Baby is doing well and so am I - we're through the first trimester now! Due date is November 6. I have felt so good, I can't complain. I've been very tired but not sick at all! I keep waiting for the nausea to set in, but it hasn't! My doctor tells me that I'm probably out of the woods with it, and that would be great! We will find out the sex of the baby in under 7 weeks - can't wait!! Everyone thinks it's a girl, but I am convinced it's a boy...we shall see!

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