Sunday, November 9, 2008


Nothing new to report lately...we had a pretty low-key weekend, which was nice! On Friday, we met up with some friends and played cards, ate bar food, was a good time. Saturday, my mom and I went shopping at THE most crowded mall I've ever seen...worse than the day after Thanksgiving, etc. It was fun but a bit too much for me. I can deal with crowds, but these were over the top! Adam and I ended up at my parent's house for dinner and some football, and then went to bed early. Today, we overslept and missed trying out a new church - so we spent the majority of the morning/afternoon cleaning. I have conferences this week, which means a LOT of preparation and a late night every night this week. :( I really am dreading all the late nights.

*This weekend, my mom and I are going to Chicago to visit my sister! I'm really looking forward to that! Two weeks from Wednesday, Adam and I will be in Dallas...can't wait for that, either!

1 comment:

James Joseph Middleton said...

Just read this now and I am assuming you were here last weekend. Hope you had a good time - boy, was it cold though! So, your b-day is coming up! Tell Adam he'd better do something great so that you can write about it! :)