Tuesday, September 9, 2008


I have been so busy lately with work...long hours and a lot of time spent at home researching...it's good to be back to work, though. I have to admit that I was extremely bored over the summer, even though I loved the schedule I had and hours I kept. As far as work goes, my class is awesome this year, thank goodness! I'm really pleased with how the year is going so far. We had a bout of head lice this week, which is unheard of this early in the year, but so far it seems to have only claimed one kid. I am super itchy, now that I know it's there, but I have been assured that I don't have it. Ew. Reminds me of the flea epidemic of '07 (aka, when Kiki became infested last fall.)

This week I'm seeing several friends, which I'm excited about...tomorrow I'm hanging with Katy at Blue Water Grill...Friday I'm getting together in Holland with friends (Janelle, Abby, Katy, etc.) and on Saturday morning I'm going to the farmer's market with some neighbors. I think Adam and I will hang out and watch football, and then hopefully spend Saturday evening together. Sunday we're taking our bikes out and getting some exercise...while enjoying the early fall weather. I can't wait! Next week I'm getting together with Kelly, and probably doing "Main Dish Kitchen" dinners. It's a lot like "Dream Dinners" that I did this winter, where you go and make meals to freeze and eat at a later date...but the food/menu is better. They have a huge variety on their menu, and everything sounds good. It's pretty economical, and the waste of food is much less for us. I am pretty good at planning menus for the week that use up my groceries, but with only 2 people, there is always waste. Our grocery bill was significantly cheaper last time I did it, and it was awesome knowing that I didn't have to spend an hour cooking dinner when I got home from work...Adam could cook them too, which was great.

Email me if you're interested in joining me! A few co-workers are going too.

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