Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Boring, misc....

I've been a huge slacker on the cooking lately - I have no desire to cook. It's weird, because I always do...but lately I've been really busy, gone a lot, etc., so Adam has been making our dinners. He's so awesome. He marinated and grilled chicken tonight, which we had with wild rice and salad...then he did all the dishes, as he always does. I was bored out of my mind - sick of the computer, sick of tv, so I played Scrabble against myself. I also played Sudoku (I have the game board version of it) but I STUNK so I had to cheat a bit and look at the answers for some boxes. I still screwed it up but I eventually finished...I much prefer Scrabble. :) The house is really clean, and I finally moved around some furniture and hung a few things that I had forgotten about, so it looks more put together. I still want a couple area rugs, but obviously will wait until later to get them...we found a great one at Ikea that was super cheap, however the drive to Detroit to get it is not our cup of tea at this point. All our $$ goes toward the wedding and savings at this point, as it should!!

I'm excited because I finished putting together the bridesmaids' gifts, and had my last dress fitting today! Adam's mom went with me, and we saw it on and actually fitting me this time!! I love it, but man was it stiff!! Sitting down was not easy...I heard some sort of popping sound, which the seamstress assured me was just a pin coming more pizza or bad food for me until after the wedding!! :) My shoes were a different story - they absolutely KILLED my feet and I realized I would probably have to wear them around the house for the next 3 weeks in order to break them in. I can handle it, awesome seamstress is actually making a front bustle so if I want to wear flats of flip-flops at the reception, my dress won't drag.

This should be a good few days for Adam and I - tomorrow we're off to Garett and Janelle's house for dinner, and then on Friday we're meeting Erin and KC at Blue Water Grill for dinner, and then back to our house afterward...they saw it the day we moved in, and things were a mess and we had none of our furniture! Saturday we will head to Abby and Steve's house for their daugher Anna's first b-day party, and then probably just hang out at home on Sunday.

Adam is making fun of me as we speak, talking in a girl voice and pretending he's reading my blog - he has been obsessed with the Tigers today, with the trade and comeback game and whatnot...and he wonders why I blog?? :-) I think I will challenge him to a game of Scrabble!!

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