Wednesday, July 23, 2008


All the cooking went well - Adam thought caramel corn on the beach would be too sticky - he's right - instead I made brownies and rice krispy treats (also sticky)...we can eat them by the campsite I guess. :) I always eat pretzels and iced animal crackers on the beach anyway. :)

We took Kiki to the vet yesterday, and it was determined that she has allergies...that's the reason for those nasty wounds she creates on herself with the scratching (she has another one on her head right now.) So, she got an expensive steroid shot that the vet is hoping will take her through allergy that not out of control?? She also has a bum tooth and probably needs it extracted - just to have her teeth cleaned will cost between $260 and $360 dollars...not including the pulling of the bum tooth, of course...even more out of control. The vet made us feel bad about questioning the necessity of this procedure, when she told us how bad the tooth probaby hurts Kiki! :-( The tooth is a very ugly color...I won't describe, because it's gross.

Pentwater at 10 am tomorrow morning!!!! I can't wait...Lindsay and Tyler are already there, as well as my parents...I believe we are tenting it, since the camper sofa bed is's practically brand new, but a little small for my giant fiance and a little yucky for my bad back...who knows. I don't care, as long as I am there! :)

BTW, Adam saw the new Batman movie and said it was FANTASTIC. It lived up to the hype, he says...apparently Heath Ledger is amazing, too. :)

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