Monday, July 21, 2008

Today is the 2 year "anniversary" of my first date with Adam...we had met 3 weeks or so prior to the date, but had only talked on the phone...he lived in Detroit and me in GR, so it was a phone relationship for awhile. I had 2 tickets to see Counting Crows and Goo Goo Dolls at DTE, so I asked him if he wanted to go! (He had asked me to another date which I couldn't go to, so I responded with my date suggestion...he did make the first move!) I drove to his condo, nervous as heck, and stopped at a gas station to fix my hair and makeup before going there...when I pulled up, he was outside talking to a neighbor with a cooler in the car, and he had on tennis shoes and socks with a white polo and khaki cargo shorts...I thought he looked cutenerdy (a combo of the two words that I made up, meant to be complimentary) and was so sweet. Then, we get in his car...and it is a convertible with the top down!!! I silently freaked, for I know what happens to my hair during convertible rides...then he told me it would be at least an hour ride there, and I wanted to die. However, I kept a smile on my face and worked hard to hold my hair down in a chic way. About 15 min into the ride, my skirt flew up (because my hands were on my hair) and I was MORTIFIED!! It was a good ice breaker, and we were laughing in no time. He did not see anything, either :)

We had such a fun time at the concert, and it was a relaxed, flirty night...we ended up getting taco bell afterward, and since the car was a stick, I helped feed it to him. He told me later this was weird and embarassing for him, but I thought it was cute at the time!! Guess not. :) I thought guys liked to be taken care of!!

After that, he told me that he could not stop thinking about me and we started talking nonstop...a couple weeks later, our real dating started. It's funny, because it's now 2 years later we are meeting with our pastor who will MARRY us. :) I love that. Our wedding day is also one year exactly from when we bought our house.

Adam, I am so lucky to be marrying you - I love you so much and every time I have to be away from you for more than a little while, I'm reminded of how wonderful you are and how much I love spending time with you. I can't WAIT for 32 more days to pass, so we can have our wedding!!
**Pics above were taken at the concert - our first date!!

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