Friday, July 4, 2008

Great Night!

Today I spent some time cooking and preparing for our family cookout on the 4th of July at my mom's cottage...I put myself in charge of the salads, with my mom making most of the other food!! We're heading to the cottage on Friday morning, and then meeting up with friends Friday night in downtown GR...should be a busy day and I'm hoping to get some sun!!

Tonight I went to dinner with friends from work, and then we went to Jillian's house afterward and talked and had some wine...we had a great time, and it was good to see my work buddies again. I spend literally hours talking to them every day during the school year, and then when summer hits it's like we don't even know each other!! So, needless to say, it was great to hang out tonight. Jillian and her husband BJ do some amazing things through their church and mission trips to Guatemala - such unselfish giving and such great role models to others...impressive. :)

I'm currently watching the Tigers and Adam is on his way home...the first baseman for the Mariners is Richie Sexson, who we met in San Francisco last summer - we were eating lunch at the bar of a restaurant, and he and a few other players were next to us - I knew he was a pro athlete upon glancing at him...giant guy and just looked like it...he was in SF for the all-star game. I love celebrity sightings. :)

I wish Adam would hurry up and get home, because I can't stand being home alone at night, when the windows are open; I'm a bit of a scaredy-cat!! Kiki is not going to protect me, I'm afraid. :) The other night I looked through the window that overlooks the deck/is next to our loveseat - and I saw an eyeball looking back at me. It was probably someone's dog, but it freaked me out and I can't stop looking outside now. I would like to think it was a ferocious coyote ready to attack me and Kiki, but I am thinking racoon or dog in reality. Still - freaky. At least it didn't look human! The girls from work suggested we get motion lights...but that might freak me out more than usual, which I probably don't want!

I want to wish everyone a wonderful 4th of July - enjoy the day and respect the freedom that our country has earned!! Safe travels and God bless! :)

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